Haseeb Awani on SIM swaps [Episode 64]
Haseeb Awan joins me to discuss his history with Bitcoin ATMs as well as SIM swaps and how his company Efani protects their customer from SIM swapping.
Haseeb on Twitter - https://twitter.com/haseeb
Efani on Twitter - https://twitter.com/efani
Efani website - https://efani.com
Efani blog - https://www.efani.com/blog/
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Music Credits:
Morning Ritual by L'Indecis
https://soundcloud.com/chillhopdotcom/lindecis-morning-ritual - Listen on Soundcloud
http://chillhop.com/listen - Chillhop Records http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify - Listen on Spotify
Fatherhood by Joakim Karud
https://joakimkarud.bandcamp.com/track/fatherhood - Purchase on Bandcamp
https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud/fatherhood?in=joakimkarud/sets/loudness-clarity-ep - Listen on Soundcloud